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For reassurance | |
Monday, May 28, 2007
How to Handle Negative Feelings When Wronged by Someone Else
How to Handle Negative Feelings
When Wronged by Someone Else
recently received an email from someone asking how can a Christian really handle negative feelings and emotions when wronged by someone else - especially if the wrong is vicious and nasty.
The Bible tells us that God is asking all of His people to live on a higher level than the nonbeliever. The Bible tells us to forgive those who trespass against us, to turn the other cheek if warranted, to love our enemies, and to do good to those who will deliberately hurt us.
God is so insistent on us being able to forgive those who will hurt us, that He tells us that He will not even hear our prayers if we are holding any unforgiveness toward anyone else.
However, we all know through real life experiences, that all of the above principles are easier said than actually done. How do you handle negative feelings such as anger, bitterness, the desire to seek revenge, and sometimes outright hate towards someone who has viciously wronged you?
How do you handle and get a grip on these types of negative feelings and emotions when:
- Some drunk driver has just killed your son or your spouse
- Someone has raped or sexually abused you
- Someone has just abducted and killed your daughter or son
- Your husband has been physically abusing you for years
- Some scam artist has just stolen all of your life’s savings
- You have just found out that your spouse has been cheating on you
All of the above scenarios are torpedo shots that can knock anyone of us straight to the ground. However, how we handle these adversities and how we bounce back from them will determine the quality of our lives with what time we still have left.
If you do not get a grip on these negative emotions when they start to try and settle on the inside of you as a result of a vicious wrong - then those negative emotions will start to eat you up alive the same way cancer will eat and ravage a human body. These negative emotions will steal most, if not all of your joy, love, and peace that you have obtained as a result of your close walk with the Lord.
Some Christians will even lose their faith or their close personal relationship with God as a result of taking this kind of serious hit. They get mad at God. They start questioning God. How could He allow this wrong to occur? Why didn't He protect them?
When I first made the discovery that the Holy Spirit is alive and well on the inside of each believer and that it was His job to transmit knowledge to us, I started tapping in and asking questions on many different topics and issues.
The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit will "teach us all things" and "guide us into all truth." The Holy Spirit can and will communicate to those who will seek after His knowledge.
I went directly to God the Father on all of the above and asked Him - how can someone possibly get a grip on some of the above scenarios where some of these attacks are so vicious and so evil? How can you ever forgive someone who has just killed a close loved one, much less ever get over the anger, wrath, and bitterness that will settle in on you as a result of this type of extreme trauma?
I believe the Lord has given me very good insight and bottom line answer on this dilemma. Again, this answer came in the form of a one-two punch - it has two sides to it.
In order to be able to truly forgive someone and to be able to truly let them go into hands of God where you can get an "inner healing" on all of the negative emotions that may have built up in you over the course of time, there are two things that each Christian must get a firm and solid grasp on. These two principles are as follows.
1. The Big Picture
The first thing each Christian must "realize and see" is what I call the big picture. You first have to step away from your problem and see things for the way they really are.
Bottom line - the time that we will all spend on this earth is just a blink of an eye compared to the time that we will all be spending in eternity once we die and cross over. Heaven is for eternity - our life on this earth is just for a very brief moment compared to the eternal time frame that is operating up in heaven.
The first thing that each Christian must get a hold of when being seriously wronged by someone else in this life is that the person who has viciously wronged you will have to come before God Almighty Himself for a personal judgment once he dies and crosses over!
The Bible tells us that not only is God our Father - but He is also a Judge. And as a Judge, He will be judging every single one of us when we die and cross over - which includes both Christians and nonbelievers.
When Christians die and cross over, the Bible tells us that we all have to appear before the judgment seat of Christ to directly face Jesus for all the good and bad things that we have ever done in this life. This judgment will not cast us into hell since we have all been saved and born again through the blood of Jesus. However, I have a very funny feeling that this judgment that will be rendered upon each Christian will somehow determine what kind of reward and place he or she will have in heaven.
Per the article I recently did titled "Rewards in Heaven," the Bible says that there will be crowns and rewards for those who have done good in this life as compared to those who have done nothing with the allotted amount of time that has been given to each one of us in this life.
If another person has seriously wronged you and they do not get this sin forgiven under the Blood of Jesus before they die - then they will have to face God’s judgment for the specific wrong they have done to you!
This is why you can let any wrong go into the hands of God. When everything is all finally said and done, God will be the final judge on all matters, and He will be the One to right all of the wrongs that have ever been done to you - whether it be from another Christian or from a nonbeliever.
The Bible tells us that "Vengeance belongs to the Lord" - not to us! It is God’s job and responsibility to right all of the wrongs ever done to us in this lifetime - not ours! God will be getting even for you!
This is why each Christian can truly let any wrongs go into the hands of God the Father. You have to believe and trust that God will properly handle each of the wrongs that have been done against you in this life.
In the case of the nonbeliever, the Bible tells us that all of them will be pulled up out of hell at the end of the 1000-year millennium to face God for what is called the Great White Throne Judgment.
The Bible says there is a Book that records all of our works and deeds that are done in this life and God will be judging each one of these nonbelievers according to all of their works and deeds. The implication is that most, if not all of them, will be thrown into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone where the smoke of their torment will ascend forever and ever.
If someone has raped you, sexually abused you, or murdered a close loved one - many of these evil people will end up being cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone - and that will be for all of eternity!
Justice will have been more than done for you in some of these more extreme cases where their final fate and end will be them being cast into the most horrible place imaginable for all of eternity!
When you watch some of these criminal court cases on TV - closure is only partially granted to the victims when the murderer has been caught and successfully tried and prosecuted. Depending on the state where the trial takes place, the convicted murderer will either get life in prison without the possibility of parole or the death penalty if that state has it.
When the victims of these evil crimes are interviewed after the jury verdict comes in, they all say they feel some relief and some closure as a result of this person getting caught. However, the victims of these types of extreme crimes are now stuck with the task of getting their lives back in order and they will now have to deal with all of the negative emotions that have settled in on them over this course in time.
How they handle these types of negative emotions and feelings will determine the quality of their lives from here on in. If they do not get a proper grip on these intense negative emotions and some kind of inner healing on them - they will spend the rest of their earthly lives with a lot of their love, joy, and peace either completely gone or seriously diminished in the Lord.
So the first thing each Christian must grab a hold of if faced with this kind of worst case scenario is that even though the criminal got caught, tried, convicted, and properly sentenced - that is just the beginning.
Where the real judgment will occur is when that person dies and crosses over to meet his Maker - God Almighty Himself! This person will then face his ultimate and final judgment for the serious wrong he has inflicted upon you - and this judgment may possibly get him thrown into the real hell for all of eternity!
All of the above is what I call the big picture. This is the real reality from God's point of view and perspective. Once you fully grasp and fully realize that God will eventually be judging each person that has seriously wronged you to any degree in this life - then you can truly let the matter go into His hands. It's finished as far as you are concerned! It’s a done deal!
This is why God tells us in the Bible to cast all of our cares and burdens upon Him - because it His job to take complete care of them for you and to right all of the wrongs where they do exist.
Sometimes God will right the wrong for you in this lifetime. The person who has wronged you will reap the consequences of his actions and God will make sure that those consequences hit him full force while he is still living down here on this earth.
Other times, this person will not face the eternal consequences of his actions until after he dies and comes before God for his own personal judgment. Some people will literally get away with cold-blooded murder in this life. The police or the criminal justice system will never catch them. However, their days are numbered in this life, and as soon as they die and cross over, they will all have to face God for their ultimate and final judgment.
It always amazes me that so many criminals think they can just live out this life doing whatever they want - and think they can actually get away with it because they have managed to evade the law for such a long period of time. Boy are they going to be in for a big surprise when they die and cross over and find out what is really waiting for them on the other side!
As a Christian, you have to step back and look at this big picture when you have been wronged, and realize that God will handle each of these wrongs and that true and final justice will eventually be granted to you - either in this life or the next to come.
However, even if you have grasped and believed in all of the above, you are still left with one more problem. You now know God will eventually be righting all of the wrongs ever done to you when it is all said and done. However, how do you get rid of the negative feelings that have settled in on you as a result of experiencing some of these vicious wrongs?
You know God does not want you carrying around feelings of hate, anger, wrath, bitterness, and depression. You keep telling yourself that you are not going to allow these types of feelings and emotions to have any part of you - but no matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to get any victory over them.
You can still feel these negative emotions rolling around down in your soul and spirit. These negative emotions and feelings continue to rob you of your joy, peace, and love for God and others. You have lost your zest for life and you just can’t seem to get it back - no matter how hard you try, no matter how many pep talks you give yourself, no matter how much you pray to God and talk to others about it, and no matter how many counselors you see.
You feel like you are carrying around a 50-pound anchor around your waist. Everything is a chore. Nothing brings you any happiness anymore. You hardly ever smile. These negative emotions are eating you up alive on the inside. You feel like you are a walking dead man - a zombie.
You are really trying to forgive the father who has sexually abused you during your childhood years – but you just can’t seem to really do it - no matter how hard you try. These negative feelings are like a "yoke" - they just seem to keep sticking to you on the inside.
The Bible talks about the "yoke of bondage." These negative feelings have you bound up and you can’t seem to break them off of you.
So what is the answer? How do you break these negative feelings off of you? There is only one way and that leads us to the second principle of this one-two punch - and that is the right cross - the power of the Holy Spirit!
2. The Power of the Holy Spirit
We as humans only have a certain amount of natural strength, not only within our natural physical bodies, but also within our souls and spirits where our intellect and emotions reside. Each person only has a limited amount of mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical strength at his disposal.
Some people can bounce back from adversity better and quicker than others. We have all seen that. However, we all have our breaking points, no matter how strong we think we are. We can only lift so much with our physical bodies - no matter how many steroids a bodybuilder may take.
We all have different levels of mental and emotional strength. Some are stronger in their minds than others. We see this mental strength in many of our professional athletes. Some of these athletes can do and accomplish things a normal person cannot do - not only because they are physically stronger, but also because they are mentally stronger. They don’t give up as quickly as someone else would. How many times have we seen professional athletes amaze us when in the heat of extreme adversity - they plow through on sheer will power and mental strength to achieve total victory?
Some are also stronger in their emotions than others. We can see this in the different ways people react to severe tragedy. Some can bounce back quicker - they don’t hold any grudges against anyone for the tragedy. Life is too short for them to dwell on the negative aspects of the tragedy and they prefer to press on with the rest of their life and let the past go. Others cannot do that as easily.
They can’t let the past go. They don’t have the emotional strength to get a grip on the negative emotions that have settled in on them. Before they know it, they are mired down into a depression and they are holding grudges against the wrongdoers and are mad at everything and everybody in the world. They can’t get over the negative feelings they are experiencing and before long - they have lost all of their joy and zest for living.
Too many Christians are in this second boat. They have been hit with some serious torpedoes and they can’t seem to get back up to start living again. The negative emotions that have set in on them are literally killing them!
Many in the medical profession believe that negative emotions can help lead to cancer and other various diseases and illnesses. Not only can these negative emotions kill you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually - but they can also lead to diseases and illnesses that can physically kill you.
To those Christians who can’t seem to get back up and get over the wrongs done to them by others - who don’t have enough mental, emotional, and spiritual strength within their own makeup to work these negative emotions out of themselves - there is only one answer for them.
And that answer is they simply have to go to God the Father in prayer and ask Him, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to remove all of the negative emotions that are eating them up alive. They have to tell God that they don’t have the strength within their own emotional and mental makeup and that they need His supernatural power to pull all of these negative emotions and feelings out of them.
If you go direct to God the Father with a sincere request to help you out with this kind of a dilemma - God will help deliver you from the bondage of these negative emotions and feelings. God will literally do "inner spiritual surgery" on you to help pull these negative emotions out of you.
This is a supernatural work done by the Holy Spirit Himself. Since the Holy Spirit is the One who lives on the inside of you - He is the One who will actually do the inner spiritual surgery to pull all of these negative emotions out of you. However, you first have to go to God the Father and ask Him to release this kind of deliverance power to you - which He will do through the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit is our Helper. He is there to help us out on anything that we may need His help on. And one of the things that He loves to get involved in is the transformation process - the sanctification process to make you into a better and more holy person - mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
When you ask God to take these kinds of negative emotions out of you - it can sometimes happen very quickly - possibly within seconds, minutes, days or weeks. Or it could take a bit longer, perhaps spread out over several months - which would be more of a progressive type healing. God is the Surgeon, so let Him decide how He wants to work this inner surgery and how long He wants to take to do it with you.
Once this inner spiritual surgery has been completed by the Holy Spirit, you will no longer feel these negative emotions. You will still have memory of the anger you may have felt against someone who has wronged you, but you will no longer feel that anger. God has miraculously and supernaturally removed the "feelings" of that emotion from you. This is what is called an inner healing.
So many Christians are mired down in depressions as a result of life’s torpedoes that have hit them. If they would only simply approach God the Father in sincere prayer and ask Him for His power to heal them on the inside - He would be more than happy to meet them all the way and clean them up on the inside. But these Christians are not getting this type of deliverance from God simply because they have never approached and asked Him specifically for this kind of deliverance.
The Bible says "You have not because you ask not." Many times, God will not move in with His deliverance power on your situation until you first ask Him to do so in prayer. Sometimes it really is that simple!
Too many Christians are running to psychologists, psychiatrists, and counselors, not to mention the drug store for their favorite tranquilizer or anti-depressant medication. The number one selling prescription drug for the year 2001 was anti-depressant medication! And I have to believe there were many Christians in that boat.
We as Christians have the greatest Counselor, the greatest Teacher, the greatest Deliverer, the greatest Healer living right there on the inside of us - the Holy Spirit! The Bible calls Him the "Counselor."
And not only are His services completely free, but the Holy Spirit is God and Lord Himself, and as God, He has maximum power to handle and deliver you from any problems that can come your way - whether they be mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical.
The Holy Spirit can also get at the root of your problems - especially when you get into the emotional realm of your being. He will pull these negative feelings out at the roots so they don’t keep coming back on you. Anti-depressants just cover or mask the problem. They never get at the root of the problem. The same with doctors and counselors. They can talk all day long about your problem - but they do not have God’s full supernatural power to literally pull these emotions out at their roots to bring about a full inner healing on these negative emotions.
Sometimes talking about your problems to counselors or others will help release a part of these negative emotions - but only the supernatural power of God can actually get at the real root of these problems and pull all it out at that root. Neither you, the doctors, or any type of drug can do this for you - only God can!
The above principle also applies to trying to forgive someone who has seriously wronged you. You know God wants you to forgive this person - but your feelings are not lining up with what is coming out of your mouth. You tell God you have forgiven this person, but yet you still feel the anger and the bitterness against this person.
What you do in this case is to tell God, with a confession out of your mouth, that you will forgive this person - even if your don’t really feel like you have forgiven this person within your feelings and emotions.
God will take and accept the confession out of your mouth that you have truly forgiven this person, even if your feelings are not lining up with this confession. But then you go to part two and ask God to take these feelings of unforgiveness out of you and He will do it just like He will do with your other negative emotions. All of a sudden, after a certain length of time, you will feel it on the inside of your heart and your spirit that you have now truly forgiven this person and that you are no longer holding any grudges or feelings of anger, bitterness, or resentment toward this person.
You have truly let this person go - knowing that his fate and the consequences of his actions are now fully in the hands of God. You are now free and you can now start fully living again. The Bible tells us that no one is fit for the kingdom of God if they keep looking back on their past and dwelling on it. The apostle Paul says that he forgets those things that are behind him and continues to press and reach forward for the things that now lie ahead of him.
The Bible tells us that Jesus has come to set the captives free - and one of the greatest areas of captivity for many of us is in our own minds. The Bible tells us that a man is as he thinks. In other words, you can become what you think. Your thought life, what you think about and dwell on, can make or break you in this life. This is why the Bible tells us that we are actually transformed by the renewing of our minds. You have to learn how to develop right thinking in your mind and thought process.
I’ll end this article with some good Scripture verses on all of the above points. Some of these verses have already been mentioned in some of my other articles, but for the sake of this article and the specific points being talked about, I will go ahead and state these verses once again due to the extreme importance of each of them.
The Scripture Verses
For those of you who are really battling with yourself on being able to get over the hurts and injustices of your past, really study and meditate on the following verses.
Jesus has already told us in His Word that His truth will set us free. But before His Word and truth can start to work to set you free, you have to know exactly what those truths are and then seek to understand them and then get them implimented into your way of thinking. These truths have to become a part of your right thinking in the Lord.The Scripture verses I will list below are given you Jesus' truths on this particular subject matter. These truths can work to set you free in this realm if you will do your part and assimilate these truths into your way of thinking in this life.
1. The Judgment of God
Here are several good verses showing us that we will all appear before the judgment seat of Christ after we die and cross over - no exceptions! Notice this first verse says that "every secret thing" and that "every work," whether it be good or evil, will be brought before God for His judgment.
Thus anyone who has unjustly wronged you in this life will have to answer to God when they face Him for their own personal judgment if that wrong has not been confessed and forgiven before they die. I believe all of these verses are literal interpretation and they mean exactly what they are saying!
- "For God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether it is good or whether it is evil." (Ecclesiastes 12:13)
- "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad." (2 Corinthians 5:10)
- "And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account." (Hebrews 4:13)
If more people knew about these kinds of verses and the seriousness of each of these verses, more people would think twice before deciding to unjustly attack or hurt another person.
2. Letting Go of the Past
Here are two very good verses on God wanting us to let go of the things in our past and to continue to press forward to accomplish His perfect will and plan for our lives. The first verse is from the apostle Paul and the second verse is coming direct from Jesus Himself.
- "... but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:13-14)
- But Jesus said to him, "No one having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." (Luke 9:62)
Life is simply way too short to be wallowing in the hurts and injustices of your past. God will be righting all of the wrongs ever done to you in this life. This is why you can fully let go of your past and start fully living in your present again.
3. You Are What You think
Here is a short, but very powerful Scripture verse telling us that a man will become as he "thinks" in his heart. If you think and dwell on happy and positive type thoughts, then you will become a happy and positive type person. However, if all you do is think about and dwell on the negative side of this life, then you will become a negative and depressive type person where people will not want to even be around you. Here is the verse:
"For as he thinks in his heart, so is he." (Proverbs 23:7)
The Bible says that we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. We have to learn how to develop right thinking in our thought process. Our thought process does not control us - we control it! We can choose to decide what we want to think about and dwell on.
4. Sowing to the Flesh
According to the Bible, the people who have unjustly wronged you in this life are sowing to the flesh. They are sowing to the dark side of their personality as versus sowing to their spirits, which is their good side, when they unjustly wrong others for their own gain and profit.
This next verse specifically tells us that if these people sow to their flesh with these types of unjust actions against you, then they will eventually "reap corruption" - which is death. This verse tells us that God will not be mocked and they will literally reap what they have sown against you. Here it is:
"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to the flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life." (Galatians 6:7-8)
This verse gives us another reason to be able to let anyone go into the hands of God who has severely wronged us in this life. Sooner or later, they will all reap what they have sown - and for some of them - it will be eternal punishment in the most horrible place imaginable.
5. Unforgiveness and Loving Your Enemies
Here are three verses telling us that God wants us to forgive those who have wronged us, and for us to be able to love them, to do good to them, and to pray for them. This is a tall order, but it is possible with the help of the Holy Spirit guiding us in this.
"But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you ..." (Matthew 5:44)
This next verse tells us that not only are we not to hate anyone - but we are not to take any type of vengeance against someone who has wronged us. This verse also tells us that we are not to hold any grudges against anyone else and that we are to love others as we would love ourselves.
"You shall not hate your brother in your heart ... You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord." (Leviticus 19:17)
This next verse really warns us of the consequences of not fully forgiving others who have trespassed against us. When someone has unjustly wronged you, they have trespassed against you. In this verse, God tells us that if we do not forgive those who have trespassed against us, then He will not forgive us when we trespass against others.
"For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." (Matthew 6:14-15)
And if we don’t get God's forgiveness for our trespasses down here on this earth, then we will have to face Him for judgment for these trespasses when we die and cross over to meet Him face to face. This is truly a dire and strong warning from the Lord that we are not to carry any unforgiveness in our hearts toward anyone - no matter how bad they have wronged us.
6. Vengeance Belongs to the Lord
For those of you who have been seriously wronged and are contemplating some type of payback, some type of vengeful act against that person - look very closely at this next verse.
This verse tells us that we are not to repay evil with evil. In other words, God is telling us that any type of vengeful act that we try to take against someone who has wronged us will be considered an evil act on our part. And as such, we will have to face His judgment either in this life or in the next life for taking this vengeful act.
We are not allowed to take the law into our hands - either on earth or in heaven. Vengeance and payback belong to the Lord - not to us or anyone else who would like to try and get even for you!
I know there are some people who say they would kill others if anyone ever harmed any of their loved ones. But if you payback death with death, you will have to answer to God for your act of vengeance. This verse tells us to do just the opposite - to pay back evil, to overcome evil with goodness.
God will be the final Judge, Jury and Executioner on the evil someone may have done to you. This is His territory - not yours!
Here is a major power verse every single Christian really needs to grab a hold of if they have ever been seriously wronged or injured by the evil acts of another.
"Repay no one evil for evil ... live peaceably with all men. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves ... for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord. Therefore if your enemy hungers, feed him; if he thirsts, give him a drink ... Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." (Romans 12:17-21)
Again, do not tempt your eternal fate with God the Father by attempting to take the law in your own hands if someone has viciously wronged either you or a close loved one.
The Bible says that murderers will not be entering into the kingdom of heaven - and that may include you if you decide to try and take another person's life as payback for something they may have done to either you or someone else in your family.
7. Judge Not
These next four verses are again strong warnings from the Lord that we are not to judge others, that judgment belongs to Him, and that we will all eventually be judged by God for all of our transgressions that have not been forgiven under the Blood of Jesus before we die.
- "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged ..." (Matthew 7:1)
- "Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." (Luke 6:37)
These next two verses are from the apostle Paul. He lays it out very clearly and very simply that we are to judge nothing before the time of God’s personal judgment on all of us. Paul says that God will bring to light all the hidden things of darkness when this judgment occurs and until it does, we are to go on living our lives trying to resolve what we can with our neighbor and live in harmony as best we can with him.
- "... but He who judges me is the Lord. Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the heart ..." (1 Corinthians 4:4-5)
- "But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you show contempt for your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ ... So then each of us shall give account of himself to God. Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother’s way." (Romans 14:10-13)
Again, God the Father could not make things any more clear than by the way He has worded all of these verses. All of these verses are giving us major warnings in that we are to fully forgive all of our trespassers and that we are to let everyone go into the hands of God who has seriously or viciously wronged us in this life.
Until it is our time to depart from this life, each and everyone of us will have to put up with a certain amount of wrongs coming from other people. We have all been hit with these wrongs and will continue to be hit with them until we finally cross over to be with our Lord for all of eternity.
People are imperfect and many of them will choose to live their life out of their flesh - where their only concerns in this life is to get as much as they can, while they can, and not caring who they run over and hurt in the process. Some of these people are living their lives on a lower level than animals as their only goals in this life are for total and complete self-gratification of all their own needs and desires.
Until God finally prunes out all of these bad apples and we finally get the New Heaven and New Earth as foretold to us in the Book of Revelation, each one of us will have to handle these wrongs as they come to us.
For those of you who have taken some real shots in your past or possibly your present - just remember the big picture. God will eventually be judging all of these people for all of the wrongs they have ever done to anyone - including what they have personally done to you.
Until then, don’t let the actions of a few bad apples ruin the rest of your life with what little time you still have left. Life really is too short and you only have one chance to live this life to its fullest for the Lord. Make the most of what time you still have left. God will be evening out all of the scores when it is all finally said and done. There will eventually be true and final justice for all.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Spiritual Warfare Prayers
Bind the Enemy from Interfering
Heavenly Father, we come before You, trusting in Christ's payment for us and we ask that You would bind and gag all evil spirits and forces of darkness in, near and around us, so that they may not interfere with us now. We acknowledge that You are the Ruler "Far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come." You have told us, in Your faithfulness, "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." We claim our position with You, through Your Grace and ask that as it is written, so it be done. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ we ask and in faith we receive. Amen.
Breaking Curses, Spells and Incantations
Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You as Your child, born again, redeemed and washed in the blood of Jesus. I declare that You, Jesus, have redeemed me from the curse of the law having become a curse for me. I proclaim that I am a partaker of the inheritance of the saints of God. I give thanks unto You, Father, for delivering me from all the powers of darkness and translating me into the kingdom of your dear Son.
As one who is covered with the blood of Jesus, I here and now reject and disown all the sins, pacts, dedications, curses and occult selections of my ancestors or any relatives, specifically (name of person(s) responsible for the curse, if known), which has been passed on to me intentionally or unintentionally. In Jesus' name, Father, I ask to be redeemed and cleansed from all evil curses, incantations, dedications, spells, pacts and familiar spirits passed on to me from my parents, grandparents, great grandparents, ancestors, relatives or any other person, specifically (name of person(s) responsible, if known).
I now appropriate in my life, Jesus' work on the cross to free me from all curses. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I now rebuke, break and loose myself and all my children or children to be, from all evil curses, charms, vexes, hexes, spells, incantations, jinxes, psychic powers, bewitchments, pacts, dedications or sorcery, that have been put on me or my family line or by any other person or persons, (person's name if known), or from any occult, cultic, satanic or psychic source. I declare that all these curses, dedications or pacts are null and void, in Jesus' name. I reject every way in which Satan may claim ownership of me and I command all these connected and related spirits to leave me now and never return, in Jesus' name. I declare that I am totally committed and completely signed over to my Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.
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Breaking Satanic Dedication and Covenants
I renounce ever signing my name over to Satan or having my name signed over to Satan. I announce that my name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life. I renounce any ceremony where I may have been wed to Satan, and I announce that I am the Bride of Christ. I renounce all satanic assignments, covenants, pacts and dedications that I made with Satan, or that were made for me. I announce that I am a partaker of the new covenant with Christ.
I reject and renounce all curses and assignments made for me or by me for the service of Satan. (Stop here and renounce any specific pacts remembered.) I trust only in the shed Blood of my Lord, Jesus Christ and what He accomplished on the cross. I look to the Holy Spirit for guidance. I renounce all guardians and surrogate parents assigned to me by Satanists. I renounce all baptisms, rituals or teachings by Satanists. I announce that I have been baptized into Christ Jesus and my identity is now in Christ. I renounce and reject all demons and familiar spirits attached to any part of me, by Satanists. I reject all spirit guides assigned to me.
I announce that God is my Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit is my guardian. By this, I am sealed until the day of my redemption. I accept only God's assignment for me. In Jesus name. Amen.
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Father, we come to You, covered in the Name and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We acknowledge that You are the ruler far above all principalities, mights, powers and dominions. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ we ask that You would break all assignments, spells, curses, incantations, vows and other forms of harm set against (me, us, name of system or insiders affected) by (name or entity if you know it..)
In Jesus' Name we ask that You would cancel any such assignment and prevent all influences by forces of darkness. All evil spirits and forces of darkness allowed access through this assignment, we renounce you and all your works and all your ways in the Name of Jesus. I am a child of God and you are trespassers here. In Jesus' Name you are commanded to depart, never to return.
Father, we ask that You fill us with Your presence and bring light fully, setting darkness under Your feet. Thank You, in Jesus' Name we ask, in faith we do receive, Amen.
Cleansing Occult Participation
Dear Heavenly Father, I have confessed all these occult sins of seeking from Satan, the help that should come only from You. I repent of all these sins of occultism, idolatry and any oath I may have made to any false gods and ask to be forgiven. I repent for seeking aid, knowledge, power or comfort from the kingdom of darkness. I repent and renounce those occult sins and idolatry that I cannot remember. I close all doors or openings in my life to all occult and psychic practices and spirits of darkness. I ask You, Heavenly Father, to seal them with the precious shed Blood of Jesus Christ, never to be opened again. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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Confession & Deliverance From Specific Occult Sins
Dear Heavenly Father, I come before You and renounce all sinful, occult practices and idolatry of seeking information, knowledge, healing, comfort, identity or power from any occult, psychic or secret source.
I renounce ever reading books about the black arts, parapsychology, magic, satanic rituals, including the Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses, the Satanic Bible, books on false religions, and other satanic books and writings.
I renounce all sins of divination, including: palm reading, fortune telling, tarot card reading, tea leaf reading, the crystal ball or crystal gazing, candle gazing, Ouija Board, ESP, telepathy, horoscopes, automatic hand writing or spirit writing, astrology, water divining, the rod and pendulum.
I renounce trance channeling, consulting familiar spirits, clairvoyance, communication with the dead, séances, consulting counselors from the spirit realm, consulting wizards, ascended masters, spirit guides, wise masters, fortune tellers, witches, shamans, mediums or spiritists.
I renounce all demonic, occult or psychic healing practices, including pow-wow healing, charming to heal, pendulum healing, magic healing, psychic healing, magnetism or Mesmerism.
I renounce all use of occult power, casting spells or witchcraft, voodoo, black and white magic, Santeria and other forms of local witchcraft.
I renounce magical or occult hypnosis, metaphysics or mind science, yoga, transcendental meditation, sorcery, astral projection and soul travel, table lifting or levitation, using pyramid power, mind control or mind manipulation, amulets and charms, power crystals and religious medals. I renounce heavy metal music, satanic rock and black rock, watching occult movies and all demonic role-play games, such as Dungeons and Dragons.
I renounce all secret oaths to pagan gods as part of initiation ceremony into organization, fraternities, sororities and other organization, which practice these ceremonies.
I renounce being involved in or in contact with secret lodges or societies such as Freemasonry and their organizations, the Eastern Star, Rosicrucians, Edgar Cayce's teachings and readings, Erhard Seminars Training (EST), Scientology, Eastern mysticism, Spiritism, Christian Science, Jehovah's Witness, Mormonism, Unitarians, The Way, Unification Church, Armstrongism, Worldwide Church of God, Philadelphia Church of God, the New Age and its practices or any religion or organization of an occult nature.
I renounce and repent of ever taking part in any of these practices or organizations. I ask You Father, to forgive and restore me, in Jesus' name. Amen.
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Confession of Faith and Position in Christ
Dear Heavenly Father, I acknowledge there is only one true and living God who exists as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I recognize Christ Jesus as the Son of the Living God, the Word that became flesh and dwelt among us.
Jesus, you are worthy to receive glory, honor and power for You have created all things and in You, all things have their being. Father God, You have proved Your love for me by sending your Son to die for me. When I accepted You, Jesus, as my Savior, I was saved by Your grace. This was a gift from You and not the results of any works on my part. I acknowledge that all my sins are forgiven in Christ. All charges that were against me were nailed to the cross and canceled; therefore, the devil has nothing with which to accuse me. You redeemed me from the kingdom of darkness, translating me to Your kingdom. Now I am made right with God. With You, Lord Jesus, I can do all things. When I was saved, your Holy Spirit came to live within me. I am conformed to the image of Your Son.
Jesus, You came to set the captives free, those bound by sin, psychic or occult powers. I declare that it is God's truths that will set me free. Jesus, You have all authority in heaven and on earth. You have conquered and disarmed all evil principalities and powers. You made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. Now I am seated with You in heavenly places. Jesus, You have authority over Satan and all his demons and they are subject to You. I stand strong in You, Lord Jesus, and resist Satan and all his evil schemes. Jesus, I am covered and protected by Your precious Blood. Your spiritual weapons are mighty to tear down all strongholds of the enemy in my life. Jesus, bind and rebuke all evil spirits and powers of darkness that would seek to interfere with this time of ministry. I renounce all counterfeit gifts and works of Satan in my life. I take my position in Christ and declare that You, Jesus, are my Lord and my God. I look only to You, Jesus, as my deliverer and healer. You know all my special needs and concerns. I claim Your word which says, "All who call upon the name of the Lord shall be set free." I call on You now, Lord Jesus Christ, to set me free. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that You are the Creator and Sustainer of all things, and that all we have is a gift from You. We ask now, in accordance with Your will for us, that you create for us (or whoever its for) a place of light and safety, so that they may come and fellowship with You, as Your children, in peace and truth. We ask Lord Jesus, that You would be present in it and protect us (or them). May this place of safety be used to draw others within, to You. " 'For I,' says the Lord, 'will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst' ". We ask that You would set angels from Your heavenly host to guard and protect it and us, according to Your Word, which says "For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone." Thank You for Your promises and presence, Father, for in Jesus' Name we ask, according to Your Word, and in faith we receive. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for Your love and kindness toward me. It is Your kindness that has led me to repentance, turning from all my sins and turning to you.
I admit that I have not been kind, patient and loving to others when they have offended me. I have allowed bitterness and resentment to grow in me, separating me from others and You, Father. At times, I have forgotten this unforgiveness in my heart. This unforgiveness festers deep within me, at times beyond my conscious reach. This affects every aspect of my life and gives the enemy a right to torment me as stated in Matthew 18. I confess that this unforgiveness and bitterness is affecting my life and relationships today. Because of these past hurts, I acknowledge the inability to love or trust others.
I understand that forgiveness is not an emotion but an act of my will. I now choose to exercise my will to forgive others as You, Father, have forgiven me. Father, I know that You are a searcher of the heart. I ask You to search my heart. Reveal to me any hidden and secret unforgiveness or bitterness toward others that have hurt or offended me. I choose not to be ruled by a spirit of bitterness. I choose to forgive and have a spirit of peace and love in my heart. I repent, forgive and release these people right now.
I ask you, Heavenly Father, to forgive me and restore me as I forgive those who have offended me. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would bring everything to our remembrance. Dear Holy Spirit, I am asking You to bring to my remembrance anyone I have to forgive and I will forgive them in Jesus' name. Amen.
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Lord Jesus, in obedience to Your Word, which instructs us to stand firm and resist the devil, we ask You to reveal to us all structures and entities in this place that are not grounded in truth. Shine Your light into the darkness here and make clear to us all illusions or false images created by the enemy or by own minds, Lord Jesus, and remove them. According to Your will, lead us into all truth and protect our mind from deception, so that we may serve You in all honesty, to Your glory. In Your Name Lord Jesus, the Name above all names, we ask these things and we receive them in faith. Amen.
We sometimes use this prayer for those inside who come to the Light. With any renunciation prayer, it's important that it's spoken out loud so that the enemy hears it, as well as Jesus. While reading it, dark ones around you may get angry and try to upset you. They may try to distract you, but it's important that you keep focused, don't skip any words and keep going till you reach the end.
Dear Lord Jesus, I am coming to You to ask for Your help. You are the only all-powerful and ever-present God. You are the head over all rule and authority and I know you came to set me free. Please protect me and guide me as I speak this prayer.
Lord Jesus, I believe You are the only Son of God. I accept your death on the cross as full payment to God the Father, for all my sins. I give my life, my self and my body to You, Lord Jesus. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Holy Spirit and lead me into all truth.
Because I have believed and confessed Jesus Christ as my Lord, I know that I am now a child of God, seated with Christ in the Heavenlies. In the name and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, I order Satan and all evil spirits to release me and remain silent in my mind.
Lord Jesus, you Word states in 1 John 5:16 that "If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death." In accordance with this, I ask You to accept my confession not only for me, but on behalf of my alters as well.
Lord Jesus, I ask You to guard my heart and mind and to reveal to me any and all involvement I have had, either knowingly or unknowingly with cultic or occultic practices, false religions, and false teachers. (Make a list of any that come to your mind). I confess any satanic or occultic rituals I participated in, as well as those done by others on my behalf, including: (mention specifically those on your list). Having confessed these things, I ask You to forgive me, Jesus.
Lord Jesus, I ask You to guard my heart and mind at to reveal to me any times when my body has been used, with or without my permission, as an instrument of unrighteousness. (Make a list of any that come to your mind). I confess that my body was used as an instrument as unrighteousness and recognise such uses as sin. I renounce these acts (mention those on your list) and ask You, Lord Jesus to break all ties created through them, and all bondages satan has brought into my life by them. I now present my body to You, Jesus, as a living sacrifice, holy and blameless to You, and I thank You for cleansing and forgiving me.
I reject and disown all the sins of my ancestors. As one who has been delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of Christ Jesus, I cancel all demonic working that has been passed on to me from my ancestors. I renounce all satanic assignments directed towards me and I cancel every curse that satan and his angels have put on me. I reject any and every way in which satan or his demons may claim ownership of me. I belong to the Lord Jesus Christ who purchased me with His own blood. I reject all other blood sacrifices and I announce that I am eternally and completely signed over to the Lord Jesus Christ and committed to do His will from this day foward.
In the Name of Jesus Christ, I renounce every one of the above sins and any sins like them. I turn away from them all and will do them no more. I totally renounce any past or present association with Satan, his angels or his works. I renounce any satanic rituals I may have said. I renounce all sexual immorality, all demonic assignments, all occult practices, satanism, and any master other than the Lord Jesus Christ. I renounce all pre-marital sex and all alcohol and drug abuse. I renounce any unforgiveness or bitterness I may hold against anyone. I renounce every sin that is against a Holy God and against His beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
Heavenly Father, I thank You that You have completely forgiven me. I acknowledge that the Lord Jesus took all my guilt and punishment for me, on the Cross and there is therefore no condemnation for me. I again cover myself in the blood of Christ, as my protection and ask You Jesus to fill me with Your Holy Spirit, lead me into all truth and empower me to live above sin. I commit myself to the renewing of my mind in order to prove that Your will is good, perfect and acceptable for me. All this I do in the Name and Authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, Your word tells me in 1 Samuel 15:23, that rebellion is like the sin of witchcraft or divination, and that stubbornness is like the sin of idolatry. At times, I have sinned against You, Heavenly Father. I sinned by going my own way and doing what I wanted to do. These actions have opened the door for the enemy to have an entrance into my life, to harass and attack me. I now confess this rebellious spirit and humbly repent. I want peace and joy in my heart. Father, I choose to have a humble and obedient spirit. I reject Satan and all his works in my life and body. I ask You, dear Holy Spirit, to reveal to me any areas Satan has gained access to or any hidden rebellion in my heart. I do not want to give Satan any legal right to harass or torment me. I here and now choose to have a humble spirit and a servant's heart. In this time of ministry, by Your grace, I will accomplish whatever You have called me to do. I choose to walk in the light and I reject all rebellion. I CANCEL all rights the enemy claims concerning me. I claim the cleansing power of the Blood of Jesus over every area of my life and mind, in Jesus' name. Amen.
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Dear Heavenly Father, You have told me in Romans 13:14 to put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts. I acknowledge that I have given in to the temptation to gratify the desires of my flesh. I understand that lust is saying, "I must have this at once." Much of this battle is in my mind and thought life. Because of my loneliness and inner pain at times, I have entertained lustful fantasies in my mind and thoughts. This only increased the desire to gratify my flesh. I ask You, Father, reveal to me any ways in which I have broken Your moral law and grieved the Holy Spirit.
Father, I am truly sorry. I acknowledge that all my sins are forgiven in Christ. I claim the blood of Jesus over me as my protection. I come before your presence to acknowledge these sins that I might be freed from the bondage of sin. I now confess these sins to You and claim through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ my forgiveness and cleansing. I repent and cancel all access to my life that evil spirits have gained through my willful involvement in sin. I claim the blood of Jesus over me as my protection and command them to leave me now in Jesus' name. I choose to walk by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus' name. Amen.
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Dear Heavenly Father, Your word says that a proud and arrogant attitude goes before stumbling. I know that You hate a proud or arrogant spirit. I want to please You, Father. I do not want to stumble or bring trouble on myself and others. I know at times, in action and attitude, I have had a proud spirit. Because of my woundedness, I believed I knew what was best for me. In the past, I tried to run my life by my own power and resources. I have looked to my own intellect, ability and strength to solve my problems. Jesus, I have not denied myself, picked up my cross daily and followed You. Your word tells me that it is not by might, nor by power, but by Your Spirit that the victory comes. I have opened the door and given Satan a place in my life because of this spirit of pride.
I now repent of this pride. I also renounce this effort to be self-sufficient and not trusting or coming to You, Heavenly Father. I now come to You, humbling myself, and put my trust in Your mercy and love. It is Your kindness that has led me to repentance. I now CANCEL all ground or openings to Satan in my life. I PROCLAIM that I am covered with the blood of Jesus. I PROCLAIM that you, Satan, have no part in me or power over me. I am a child of God and the Holy Spirit is living within me. I hereby affirm my dependence on You, Father and the work of Your Holy Spirit. I ask You, dear Holy Spirit, for Your guidance, wisdom and power to renew my mind and walk according to the Spirit. I ask for Your grace to help me abide in Jesus and live a life pleasing to You. In Jesus name. Amen.
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This prayer is taken from Mark Bubeck's book The Adversary and was written by Dr Victor Matthews and lightly edited by Neil Anderson. It is heavy and the language and concepts may be triggering (d*m*ns, bl**d, s*t*n, cr*cif*xtion, s*cr*f*ce, t*mple etc.)
Heavenly Father, I bow in worship and praise before You. I cover myself with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ as my protection during this time of prayer. I surrender myself completely and unreservedly in every area of my life to Yourself. I do take a stand against all the workings of Satan that would hinder me in this time of prayer, and I address myself only to the true and living God and refuse any involvement of Satan in my prayer.
Satan, I command you, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to leave my presence with all your demons, and I bring the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ between us.
Heavenly Father, I worship You and I give You praise. I recognise that You are worthy to receive all glory and honour and praise. I renew my allegiance to You and pray that the blessed Holy Spirit would enable me during this time of prayer. I am thankful, Heavenly Father, that You have loved me from past eternity, that You sent the Lord Jesus Christ into this world to die as my subsitute that I would be redeemed. I am thankful that the Lord Jesus Christ came as my representative, and that through Him You have completely forgiven me; You have given me eternal life; You have given me the perfect righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ so I am now justified. I am thankful that in Him You have made me complete, and that You have offered Yourself to me to be my strength.
Heavenly Father, come and open my eyes so that I might see how great You are and how complete Your provision is for this new day. I do, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, take my place with Christ in the heavenlies with all principalities and powers (powers of darkness and wicked spirits) under my feet. I am thankful that the victory the Lord Jesus Christ won for me on the cross and in His resurrection has been given to me and that I am seated with the Lord Jesus Christ; therefore, I declare that all principalities and powers and all wicked spirits are subject to me in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am thankful for the armour You have provided, and I put on the girdle of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the sandals of peace and the helmet of salvation. I lift up the shield of faith against all the fiery darts of the enemy, and take in my hand the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, and use Your Word against all the forces of evil in my life; and I put on this armour and live and pray in complete dependence upon You, blessed Holy Spirit.
I am grateful, Heavenly Father, that the Lord Jesus Christ spoiled all principalities and powers and made a show of them openly and triumphed over them in Himself. I claim all that victory for my life today. I reject out of my life all the insinuations, the accusations, and the temptations of Satan. I affirm that the Word of God is true, and I choose to live today in the light of God's Work. I choose, heavenly Father, tho live in obedience to You and in fellowship with Yourself. Open my eyes and show me the areas of my life that would not please You. Work in my life that there be no ground to give Satan a foothold against me. She me any areas of weakness. Show me any area of my life that I must deal with so that I would please You. I do in every way today stand for You and the ministry of the Holy Spirit in my life.
By faith and in dependence upon You, I put off the old self and stand in all the victory of the crucifixion where the Lord Jesus Christ provided cleansing from the old nature. I put on the new self and stand in all the victory of the resurrection and the provision He has made for me to live above sin. Therefore, in this day, I put off the old nature with its selfishness, and I put on the new nature with its love. I put of the old nature with its fear and I put on the new nature with its courage. I put off the old nature with its weakness and I put on the new nature with its strength. I put off today the old nature with all its deceitful lusts and I put on the new nature with all its righteousness and purity.
I do in every way today stand into the victory of the ascension and the glorification of the Son of God where all principalities and powers were made subject to Him, and I claim my place in Christ victorious with Him over all the enemies of my soul. Blessed Holy Spirit, I pray that You would fill me. Come into my life, break down every idol and cast out every foe.
I am thankful, Heavenly Father, for the expression of Your will for my daily life as You have shown me in Your Word. I therefore claim all the will of God for today. I am thankful that You have blessed me with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. I am thankful that You have begotten me unto a living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. I am thankful that You have made a provision so that today I can live filled with the Spirit of God with love and joy and self-control in my life. And I recognise that this is Your will for me, and I therefore reject and resist all the endeavours of Satan and of his demons to rob me of the will of God. I hold up the shield of faith against all the accusations and against all the insinuations that Satan would put in my mind.
I do, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, completely surrender myself to You, Heavenly Father, as a living sacrifice. I choose not to be conformed to this world. I choose to be transformed by the renewing of my mind, and I pray that You would show me Your will and enable me to walk in all the fullness of the will of God today.
I am thankful, Heavenly Father, that the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses, for destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and to bring every thought into obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore in my own life today I tear down the strongholds of Satan, and I smash the plans of Satan that have been formed against me. I tear down the strongholds of Satan against my mind and I choose to think my thoughts after You, blessed Holy Spirit. I affirm, heavenly Father, that You have not given me the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. I break and smash the stronghold of Satan formed against my emotions today, and I given my emotions to You. I smash the stronghold of Satan formed against my body today, and I give my body to You, recognising that I am Your temple; and I rejoice in Your mercy and Your goodness.
Heavenly Father, I pray that You would renew me with your life; show me the way that Satan is hindering and tempting and lying and counterfeiting and distorting the truth in my life. Enable me to be the kind of person that would please You. Enable me to be aggressive in prayer. Enable me to be aggressive mentally and to think Your thoughts after You, and to give You Your rightful place in my life.
Again, I now cover myself with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and pray that You, blessed Holy Spirit, would bring all the work of the crucifixion, all the work of the resurrection, all the work of the glorification and all the work of Pentecost into my life today. I yield my life to You. I refuse to be discouraged. You are the God of all hope. You have proven Your power by resurrecting Jesus Christ from the dead and I claim in every way Your victory over all satanic forces active in my life and I reject these forces; and I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, with thanksgiving. Amen.
Common Demonic Groupings
A compilation by Pastor Chris Simpson.
A search of the scriptures seems to reveal 12 demonic strongholds or "houses" that the enemy sends against mankind in an attempt to torment both them and the Father who loves them. The number "12" in scripture is often associated with governmental order. It is not surprising that Satan would have 12 spiritual agents that he would send against mankind in an attempt to rule and dominate man. It is a clear counterfeit of God's beneficent loving order and authority intended for mankind.
In the context of ministering to others, we've noticed that these 12 particular classes of evil spirits seem to manifest themselves in a person's personality in very common and understandable ways. What follows is a listing of common manifestations associated with each spirit. In addition, we have compiled an exhaustive list of spirits often encountered when ministering deliverance and corresponding manifestations in one's personality which often mark the presence of each spirit listed.
1. The goal of this list is two-fold:
It serves as a tool for recognizing strongholds in your own life so that you can seek deliverance for yourself. Jesus wants to set you free. Since he has paid the price, why not choose to appropriate it in one's own life?
2. The goal of deliverance is to set you free so that Jesus can use you to set others free. captives free to set other captives free. Deliverance, and salvation, for that matter, is always a means to the end of spreading God's kingdom. It was never intended to be self- focused. We are set free to set others free in the name of Jesus and by the power of God's Holy Spirit. Hopefully, this list will help those who minister to recognize a spirit by it's common manifestations.
Obviously, this is in not an attempt to create a formula to explain away the work of or the need for the Holy Spirit in all ministry. It should also be mentioned here that there appear in Jewish writings some specific "names" of other demons, as well. We have used this list to help people to search their own hearts in preparation for deliverance ministry and as a tool for ministering deliverance to those in need.
Broken hearted, continual sadness, cruel, crying, death, defeatism, dejection, despair, despondency, discouragement, disgust, drivenness, escape, false burden, fatigue, gloom, gluttony, grief, guilt, heartache, heartbreak, hopelessness, hurt, hyperactivity, indifference, inner hurts, insomnia, laziness, lethargy, listlessness, loneliness, morbidity, mourning, negativity, passivity, pressure, rejection, restlessness, self-pity, sleepiness, sorrow, spirit, suicide, tiredness, torment, troubled spirit, weariness, wounded spirit.
Accusations, anger, argumentative nature, backbiting, belittling, bickering, bitterness, blasphemy, causing divisions, coarse jesting, competition, contention, covetousness, criticism, cruelty, cursing, deception, destruction, discontent, disputes, dissatisfaction, distrust, dreamer, enmity, envy, factious, faultfinding, fighting, gossip, greed, hardness of heart, hatred, hurt, inability to cry, insecurity, judging, kleptomania, lying, malice, materialism, mocking, murder, quarreling, rage, railing accusations, restlessness, retaliation, revenge, sadism, self-centeredness, self-hatred, selfishness, spite, stealing, strife, suicide, suspicion, temper, unforgiveness, unworthiness, violence.
LYING SPIRIT - 1 Kings 22:22
Adultery, compassion, creating doctrines without using the word of God, crying, cursing, deceit, deception, depraved desires, divination, dreamer, drivenness, emotionalism, exaggeration, excessive talking, false accusations, false burdens, false prophecy, false spirituality, false teachers, fantasies, fear of authority, financial problems, flattery, fornication, homosexuality, hypocrisy, insinuations, lies, low self-image, (feel-ugly, worthless), lust, mental bondage, pornography, profanity, religious spirit, seeker of men's approval, sexual perversions, sodomy, strong delusions, superstitions, uncleanness, vain imaginations, vanity.
FAMILIAR SPIRIT - Leviticus 19:21, 20:6, 20:27, Deuteronomy 18:11, 1 Samuel 28:3
Astrology, automatic handwriting, black magic, Buddhism, certain kinds of rock music, channeling, charmer, charms (good luck) Christian Science, clairvoyance Confucianism, conjuring, consulting of the dead, cults, disobedience, divination , divination, diviner, doctrinal error, dreamer, drugs, e.s.p., enchanter, false prophecies, fear of God, fear of Hell, fear of lost salvation, fetishes, formalism, fortune telling, hallucinations, handwriting analysis, Hinduism, horoscopes, hypnosis, incantation, Islam, Jehovah's Witnesses, lawlessness, legalism, levitation, Masonry, medium, mind reader, Mormonism, muttering, necromancy, new age philosophies and involvement, obsession, occultism, ouija board, palmistry, passive mind, peeping & muttering, pendulum, rebellion, religiosity, ritualism, Rosicrucianism, Satanism, séance, seduction, self-will, Shintoism, soothsayer, sorcery, spirit guides, spiritism, stubbornness, Taoism, tarot cards, Theosophy, Unitarianism, Unity Church, Universalism, unscriptural deliverance, warlock, water witching, white magic, witchcraft, yoga.
PERVERSE SPIRIT - Isaiah 19:14
Abortion, atheism, child abuse, chronic worrier, contentious, cranky, doctrinal error, (twists the word), evil actions, exposure, false teachers, fantasy lust, filthy minded, foolishness, frigidity, harlotry, hate, incest, lesbianism, lovers of self, lust, pedophilia, pornography, sexual deviation, sexual perversion, sodomy, stubbornness, wounded spirit.
Affectation, agitation, anger, argumentative, arrogant, boastful, bragging, competitiveness, contentious, controlling, criticism, dictatorial, domineering, egocentric, egotism, frustration, gossip, haughtiness, "holier-than-thou" attitudes, idleness, impatience, insolence, intellectualism, intolerance, irritability, lofty looks, mockers, obstinacy, overbearing, perfectionism, play acting, pretension, pride, pride of education, rationalism, rejection of God, resentment, scornful, self-centeredness, self-deception, self-delusion, self- importance, selfishness, self-righteousness, smug attitude, sophistication, stiff-necked, stubbornness, superiority, theatrics, vanity, wrath.
SPIRIT OF WHOREDOM - Lev. 19:29 & 20:5, Num. 25:1, Hosea 1:2
Adultery, chronic dissatisfaction, emotional dissatisfaction, exhibitionism, exposure, fantasies (lust), fornication, frigidity, harlotry, homosexuality, idolatry, incest.
Love of (lust for): body (sexual), money, the world, position, authority, social standing.
Lust (all kinds), masturbation, pornography, prostitution, seduction, sensualist, sexual, sodomy, transvestites, uncontrollable sexual desires, unfaithfulness, weakness, worldliness.
Allergies, arthritis, asthma, bent body/spine, bleeding, cancer, chronic diseases, colds, diseases, disorders, epilepsy, feebleness, fungus infections, hallucinations, hay fever, heart attack, impotent, infections, insanity, lameness, lingering physical trauma, lingering spirit, madness, mania, mental illness, oppression, paralysis, paranoia, physical disorder, retardation, schizophrenia, senility, sinusitis, spirit of death, torment, virus, weakness, wounded spirit.
Accidents, accidents by burning, accidents by drowning, blindness, convulsions, crying, deafness, destruction, dumbness, ear problems, emotionlessness, epilepsy, eye diseases, fear of fire, fear of water, foaming at the mouth, gnashing of teeth, infections (chronic), inner ear problems, insanity, lunatic behavior, madness, motionless, pining away, schizophrenia, seizures, sensing `the approach of death', stupors, suicide, tearing, uncontrolled convulsions, wallowing.
SPIRIT OF FEAR - 2 Tim 1:7
Fear of any of the following:
accusation, authority, condemnation, closed-in places, confrontation, correction, danger, dark, death, disapproval, failure, God, heights, judgment, man, pain, persecution, poverty, rejection, reproof, water.
Agitation, anxiety, apprehension, cannot call upon God, compromise, confusion, daydreaming, distrust, doubt, doubting assurance of salvation, dread, embarrassment, escape, excessively sensitive, excitement, faithlessness, fantasy, forgetfulness, fright, headaches, heart attacks, hypochondria, hysteria, inadequacy, indecision, indifference, ineptness, inferiority complex, insanity, insomnia, jealousy, judging, lack of trust, lack of trust, loneliness, low self-esteem, low self-esteem, migraines, nightmares, overly careful, paranoia, passivity, phobias, playacting, pouting, pretension, procrastination, reclusiveness, resentment, roving, salvation, schizophrenia, self-aware, self-rejection, self-reward, shyness, sickness, skepticism, sleepiness, sleeplessness, sophistication, spiritual blindness, stress, suspicion, tension, terror, theatrics, timidity, torment, trembling, unbelief, unduly cautious, unreality, unworthiness, worry.
Addictions to: alcohol, caffeine, cigarettes, drugs, food (anorexia, bulimia, etc.), medications (above and beyond prescribed use), nicotine.
Accusation, anguish of spirit, bitterness, brokenhearted, bruised spirit, compulsive behavior, condemnation, control, coveting wealth in order to hoard it, criticism, dominance, dominated by others (soul ties), doubting salvation, drivenness, embarrassment, false burden, false compassion, false guilt, false responsibility, faultfinding, fear of death, fears, feeling "lost", frustration, gluttony, hyperactivity, idleness, inability to break free, judging , nervousness, no assurance of salvation, oppression, possessiveness, pressure, resentment, restlessness, self condemnation, self-accusation, self-hatred, self-pity, self-reward (overeating, etc.), shame, spiritual blindness, superiority, unrighteousness, unworthiness.
Acting against: God, Christ, Christ's testimony, His teaching, the doctrine of Christ, the miracles of God, the word.
Attacks the saints, attempts to rationalize Christ, blasphemes, deceit, denies the blood, denies the deity of Christ, denies the humanity/divinity of Christ, denies the work of the Holy Spirit, displays open unbelief, harasses the saints, Humanism, lawlessness, legalism, Masonry, opposes the fellowship of Christ, opposes the ministry, persecutes the body, self- exalting, stirs up strife between the saints, worldliness.
Addictions / Dependencies
Addiction to sugar
Compulsive eating
Downers / Uppers
Non-prescription drugs
Preoccupied with food
Psychedelic Drugs
Reliance upon prescription drugs
Romance Novels
Science Fiction
Video games (demonic)
Belittling others
Child abuse
Hateful / spiteful
Inner anguish
Inner turmoil
Spoiled little boy / girl syndrome
Spousal abuse
Temper tantrums
Violent outbursts / temper
Won't admit wrong
Antichrist Spirit
Against Christ and His teaching
Always learning but never coming to the knowledge of the Truth
Ashamed of Christ
Attacks testimonies
Attempts to take Christ's place
Bitterness towards God
Critical towards God
Degrades Holy Spirit
Denies blood atonement
Denies deity of Christ
Desire to scream out in Gospel meetings
Difficulty to stay awake when the Word is preached
Disappointed with God
Disbelieving God
(miracles, His Word, etc.)
Disinterested in spiritual things
Displays open unbelief
Disturbs saint's fellowship
Do not love the Truth
Doctrinal error (twists Word)
Don't like the way God made you
Don't think God loves you
Easily distracted from spiritual things
Explains away miracles of God
False doctrine
False religions
Feeling like God desires to punish you
Feeling like God doesn't want the best for you
Feeling like you must earn God's approval
Feeling that the commandments are burdensome
Form of godliness but deny power
(holy living)
Harasses the saints
Hardened to the Truth
Hater of God
Have exchanged the Truth of God for a lie
Impiety or irreverent
Inability to praise God
Inability to trust God
Inability to understand Word of God
Inattentiveness when Word is preached or taught
Indifference or resistance to Word of God
Leave God out of your thinking
Love has waxed cold
Mistrust God
Neglectful of assembling to worship
Nothing to look forward to
Opposes authority
Opposes doctrine of Christ
Opposes humanity of Christ
Opposes the bible
Persecutes the saints
Questioning God
Rationalizes the Word
Religiosity (but far from true religion)
Religious aberrations
(fanaticism and extremism)
Religious frenzies
Robbing God of the tithe
Stirs strife between believers
Suppresses ministry
Take God's name in vain
Unable to see or hear spiritually
Uncomfortable in Gospel meetings
Unforgiveness towards God
You base your salvation on your own worthiness
You believe that you are unacceptable to God
You blame God for what the devil has caused
Feelings easily hurt
Holding grudges
Inability to love
Not motivated by love
Unforgiveness of others
Unforgiveness of self
Without pity
Diet pills
Dominance of others
(unhealthy soul ties)
Doubting salvation
False burden
Inability to break free
Medications (hooked on)
Spiritual blindness
Compulsive Behaviors
Can't get still
Difficulty listening to others
Driving others
Driving self
Easily excited
Obsessive with ideas and projects
Pressured or feel driven
Without self-control
Female Control (Jezebel spirit)
Male control
Pride (I know best)
Witchcraft control
Cult Involvement
Christian Science
Eastern philosophies
Jehovah's Witness
Unification Church
Broken hearted
Continual sadness
Crying all the time
False guilt
Hurt (wounded)
Inability to cope
Inner hurts
Lack of motivation
Lost heart
Misery and calamity
Sense of failure
Sluggishness or droopiness
Suicidal tendencies
Suicide attempt
Suicide fantasies
Thoughts of suicide
Troubled spirit
Weariness in well-doing
Wounded spirit
Emotions, Bound
Inability to be specific (wishy-washy)
Inability to cry
Making death wishes
Motivated by circumstances and feelings
Overly sensitive
Self pity
Unreasonable expectations
Escape through fantasy
Escape through sleep
Spacing out
Too much sleep
Fears and Anxieties
Afraid to witness
Attracted to horror movies
Blindness, spiritual
Can't find peace
Cannot call upon God
Chronic fears
Don't like to be alone
Easily panicked
Excessively sensitive
Excitable, overly
Fear of abandonment
Fear of accusation
Fear of authorities
Fear of being a victim
Fear of being alone
Fear of being attacked
Fear of being exposed
Fear of being humiliated
Fear of being wrong
Fear of cancer
Fear of closed-in places
Fear of condemnation
Fear of confrontation
Fear of correction
Fear of darkness
Fear of death
Fear of demons
Fear of diabetes
Fear of disapproval
Fear of failure
Fear of flying
Fear of giving love
Fear of heights
Fear of infirmities
Fear of judgment
Fear of losing salvation
Fear of making wrong decisions
Fear of man
Fear of not being loved or liked
Fear of pain
Fear of people
Fear of performing
Fear of persecution
Fear of poverty
Fear of punishment
Fear of receiving love
Fear of rejection
Fear of reproof
Fear of responsibility
Fear of sexual inadequacy
Fear of sexual perversion
Fear of sickness
Fear of singing
Fear of speaking truth in love
Fear of spiritual gifts
Fear of success
Fear of the dark
Fear of violence
Fear of water
Frightening dreams
Grinding of teeth
Inability to relax
Lack of trust
Low self-esteem
Mental torment
Migraine headaches
Nervous habits
Reluctant to be in crowds
Schizophrenia (double-minded)
Screaming spells
Self-aware, overly
Trembling heart
Trust, lack of
Unduly careful
Unduly cautious
Infirmities / Diseases / Sicknesses
Abnormal attacks and fits
Barrenness / miscarriage
Bent body or spine
Bulging eyes
Chronic scalp and skin diseases
Chronic weakness
Deaf and Dumb Spirit
Digestion problems
Ear infections (chronic ones)
Eye diseases
Failing eyes
Female problems
Frequent diarrhea
Frequent miscarriages
Hay fever
Heart attack
Heart disease
Heart / circulatory problems
High or low blood pressure
High or low blood sugar
Lingering physical disorders
Lingering spirit of death
Migraine or continual headaches
Motion sickness
Multiple Sclerosis
Nervous stomach
Pains that travel about the body
Parkinson's disease
Physical abnormalities
Physical disorders
Premature death
Proneness to skin cancer
Regurgitation of food
Tumors, growths, and cysts
Virus infections
Warts and moles
Weak and sickly
Acting like a child at times
Broken promises
Can't handle responsibility or pressure
Cannot be relied upon
Don't follow through (quitter)
Foolishness (being easily seduced)
Inconsistent in the Word
Incurred debts that you have not rightfully paid
Not faithful with finances
Not putting God first
Not the spiritual leader (if man)
Pass the buck
Tendency to be a slob
Wasting time
Blaming others for your problems
Critical spirit
Gossip (speaking)
Listen to gossip
Other's actions are never good enough
Comparing self to self-imposed standards
Feel guilty if you express your true feelings
Feelings of condemnation
Inability to express true feelings
Suppress true feelings
Deceived about others
Doctrines, false
False compassion
False prophecy
False responsibility
False spirituality
False teaching
Pretend obedience (hypocrisy)
Seeker of men's approval
Self deception
Self image (feel ugly, worthless)
Self-inflicted curses
Talking, excessive
Vain imaginations
Occult Activities
Astral projection
Automatic handwriting
Black magic
Books, occult / witchcraft
Charms (good luck pieces)
Consulter of the dead
Crystal ball
Death, suicide
Deliverances, unscriptural
Dispatching demons
Doctrinal error
Doctrinal obsession
Eight ball
False gifts
False prophecies
Fears of God (unhealthy)
Fears of hell
Fears of losing salvation
Fetishes (good luck pieces)
Fortune telling
Handwriting analysis
I Ching
Indian burial ground
Jewelry, occult
Magic, black or white
Mental telepathy
Mind control
Mind reader
Movies, horror
Movies, science fantasy
Music, heavy metal
Necromancy (talking with the dead)
New Age
Non-Christian exorcism
Ouija board
Pagan temples
Palm reading
Past life readings
Pendulum divination
Psychic healing
Rock music (secular or 'Christian')
Science fantasy
Spell or hex, casting
Spirit guide(s)
Spiritual adultery
Spiritual unfaithfulness
Tarot cards
Transcendental Meditation
Water witching
White magic
Always competing with others
Can't find God
Competitiveness, excessive
Crave attention
Criticize others
Desire for attention
Easily agitated and upset
Education, pride of
Ego / haughtiness or arrogance
False humility
Have to be sophisticated
Insist on having your own way
Intolerant of others
Lofty looks
Mocking attitude
More concerned with own interest more than interest of others
Prayers go unanswered
Prejudice or bigotry
Pride of appearance / beauty
Pride of intellectual ability
Pride of life
Pride of money
Pride of position
Pride of possessions
Rejection of God
Religious spirit
Selfish ambition
Self-justification (make excuses)
Spiritual barrenness
Spiritual pride
Subjective (your point of view)
Too picky
Want to be served rather than serve
Wanting recognition
Worship of intellectualism
Speak evil of authorities
Criticize those in authority
Dishonor parents
Disobedient to parents
Not honoring and reverencing husband
Not submissive to husband
Refusal to submit to those in authority
Self will
Ashamed of physical appearance
Blocked intimacy
Caring too much what others think
Comparing yourself with others
Don't feel loved
Fearful to witness
Feel inadequate
Feel like God can't use you
Feel that you are no good
Feel like you would be the last one
God would choose for anything
Feeling like you're the victim
Feeling not wanted
Feelings of intimidation
Feelings that others are unfair to you
Feelings that others are persecuting you
Feelings that others are rejecting you
Inability to express love and affection
Let people take advantage of you
Martyr complex
Mistrust (by other)
Mistrust (of others)
Not feeling acceptable
Not feeling like you belong
Not wanted
Perceived rejection
Seek approval of men
Tendencies to withdraw from others
Think you can't be forgiven
by God
Sexual sins
Abnormal desire for sex
(under or over-desire)
Adulterous fantasy
Careless with body
Child molestation
Defilement / unclean
Degrading passions
Demonic sex
Depraved desires
Depraved mind
Dirty stories
Dishonoring of body
Dissatisfaction, sexual
Evil Actions
Evil desires
Fantasy lust
Feel that love is sex
Filthy minded
Guilt of sexual misbehavior
Indecent acts
Love of (lust for) body (as sexual)
Love of (lust for) money
Love of (lust for) position
Love of (lust for) social standing
Passion, inordinate
(novels, movies, TV and magazines)
Premarital sex
Preoccupied with sex
Sexual abuse
Sexual deviation
Sexual impurity
Sexual perversion
Uncontrollable desires and actions
Unfaithfulness to spouse
Withholding sex from spouse
Stealing / Greed
Always wanting more
Can't be satisfied with what have
Envy of other's possessions
Irresponsible spending
Love of money
Material lust
Hardness of heart
Belligerent behavior
Don't love others
Don't love unconditionally
Don't love wife as Christ loves the church
Not disciplining children
Provoke children to anger
Show partiality
Course jesting
Empty and worldly chatter
Evil companions
Lover of pleasure
Spiritual poverty
Too entangled in affairs of life or world
Without understanding
Various Other Areas
A blank mind
Abnormal facial characteristics
Abnormally rigid or tense
Absence of certain normal reflexes
Accident-prone (falls, autos)
Appearances of ghostly figures
Beat around the bush
Body and life in continual disarray
Chaotic living environment
Failure in Christian life
Feeling as if you are being covered by darkness
Feeling suppressed
Feeling you should be punished
Feeling that you are being hovered over or covered
Feelings of helplessness
Foaming at the mouth
Gnashing of teeth
Going off on tangents
Having taken Lord's supper with unconfessed sin in your life
Hearing noises that no one else hears
Hysterical laughter
Ill at ease or uneasiness
Inability to concentrate
Inability to control the thinking
Learning disabilities
Madness or mania
Motionless stupor
Muttering to oneself
Never satisfied
Never seeming to rise above circumstances
Nothing ever goes right for you
Odd behavior
Offensive body odors and smells
(even on clean skin)
Peculiar postures
Personality and behavior problems
Pining away
Poor memory
Powerless in your Christian life
Premature deaths in family
Prone to make a simple problem into a major one
Proneness to be negative
Proneness to fall
Proneness to think on that which is wrong
Queer eccentricities of speech
(annoying, repetitious, affected)
Repetition of the same sounds or words
Retardation in family
Seeing articles move about the room
Short attention span
Silliness and giddiness
Smelling smells no one else can smell
Sometimes the will is paralyzed
Strange afflictions
Tend to wallow in self-pity
Uncontrollable thoughts, mental images
Unpredictable behavior
Unusual loudness of tone and voice