Wednesday, July 9, 2008

How to COMBAT Warfare - pt. 1 by: Kaylania Chapman

The moment that you become a Christian...spiritual warfare has begun for you! The word says: "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:3-5.
Many may actually laugh at the notion of a person actually going through spiritual warfare. Those that do not have the mind of Christ may assume that you are just "going through the motions of life", it's Murphy's Law, bad luck, etc. You must understand that satan's tactics is not just to camouflage the TRUTH, but his main objective as stated in John 10:10 is nothing "but to steal, kill and destroy".

Some of you may who have recently given your life to Jesus Christ, or have been seasoned Christians wonder "what is the WORLD is going on in my life?". Questions that you ask yourself, your friends, or even God may go unanswered because the truth lies in YOU and is evident in the word of the Lord. The call God has on your life, and the deeper the anointing He has for you, will activate something in the spiritual realm, causing satan and his demons to attack you from every which way possible! So how do you know that you are fighting spiritual warfare? What are the most common red flags that a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, is facing a battle that may not be seen by the naked eye? Here are some of the most common manifestations of spiritual warfare:

1. Attacks on your finances and income - The moment you totally surrender and give your life to Jesus Christ, you will begin to have financial trouble and difficulties. satan knows that you were a wealthy Christian that has a HIGH calling on your life to seek God's Kingdom and bring other's out of the fire...finances are a necessity to travel, minister, etc.

2. Attacks on your children, friends,and loved ones - The devil loves to go for the jugular! The closet people to you, the enemy will attack by causing death, acts of witchcraft, sickness, fights, bitterness, anger, divorce, etc. 1 Peter 5:8 states: "Be clear-minded and alert. Your opponent, the devil, is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour."

3. Attacks on your MIND! - What a better way can the spirits of darkness get you by getting into your mind? Without the mind, how can we survive? You may began to get lustful thoughts, thoughts of suicide and depression, you may feel as if no one loves you or God doesn't exist, etc. Colossians 33:2 states:"Keep your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on the earth." Isaiah 26:3 states: ""The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, Because he trusts in You." Most things that we think are other people intentionally hurting you is actually us hurting yourself. YOU can be your own worst enemy and satan knows that. Once satan has your mind...then he has YOU.

4. Attacks on your health and body - 1 Corinthians 6:19 states: "Don't you know that your body is a temple that belongs to the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit, whom you received from God, lives in you. You don't belong to yourselves." Do not find it odd or strange that you began to get sick with things that the doctor cannot diagnose or your illness has worsened. Sickness and disease slows you down physically and emotionally therefore causing you to focus on the physical manifestations rather than what God is trying to do in YOU.

The above mentioned attacks are just a few examples of what Christians must face during spiritual warfare. So how can you combat the tactics of the enemy? Read Ephesians 6:10-16! You are a true soldier in the Lord Jesus Christ. Never let anyone or anything distract you from God's purpose! Be blessed in Jesus name!

-Kaylania Chapman

Experiencing Lonely Days? Wondering What's Going On?

Lonely Days

John 15:15- I'm no longer calling you servants because servants don't understand what their master is thinking and planning. No, I've named you friends because I've let you in on everything I've heard from the Father. -The Message

Lonely days are no fun. We all have them. Whether married, single, or divorced, you will have some lonely days. But it seems that some people have more lonely days than others. It seems that those with higher callings on their lives are usually people that struggle with loneliness. It's almost like God sets you apart or calls you out of unfruitful past friendships and relationships, and then keeps you alone to himself for a short period to work things out of you. Many of us were so dependent on a man or woman in our lives that we totally ignored God and couldn't connect with him like we needed to for our callings sake. So what did God do? Take everyone away from us for a season, so we can be with him alone. But where does the loneliness come from?

Loneliness usually comes when you have developed a need for others. I know many will agree with this, because when you have spent your life living for others, depending on people to validate you, chasing friends and friendships, always needing people around to make you feel wanted or needed, then when you are suddenly alone, you feel very lonely. But if you suffer with any of these issues, loneliness is what you need! Not forever, but at least for a season.

You see, Jesus wants to be that friend you are searching for. Don't you know that God put a need for himself in your life? Your purpose lies in him, so you must know him to know YOU! Your reason for being lies in him, so you must know him to know why you are you! And when you spend your life chasing friends or using people to find yourself, all you end up doing is having a bunch of one sided relationships, or failed relationships because you are searching for answers in the wrong places. And loneliness becomes a plague to you even though being alone can be an asset. Jesus said in the Word that he is your friend and he will not leave you comfortless. Read John chapter 14 and 15 and you will see that his concern is you. He wants you to be his friend and find yourself in him! So the next time you are feeling lonely or all alone, rejoice because he is working the false friendships and relationships out of you and working on his relationship with you!....

Suggested ....Reading.... - John 14, 15, 16

By: G. Craige Lewis: Founder of Ex Eministries